Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Aug 7, 2019
- 4 min
Loving and Leaving Goddard: Everyday Magic, Day 981
Arm-in-arm, Vicky, Eduardo, Ralph, and I walked down the snowy country road, belting out “Walking in a Winter Wonderland” and doing...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Aug 8, 2018
- 3 min
“How Aren’t You?”: Hummingbirds, Rumi, and Twilight: Everyday Magic, Day 949
In one of Rumi's poems, I love these lines especially: Reach your long hands out to another door, beyond where you go on the street, the...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Jun 5, 2018
- 3 min
After 64 Consecutive Semesters, Taking a Break: Everyday Magic, Day 941
I started teaching when I was 26. It was English 101 at the University of Kansas, a gig I figured would help me get through graduate...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Jan 8, 2018
- 2 min
I Had No Idea! — Some of What Being a Mother Showed Me: Everyday Magic, Day 924
I had no idea how how much unconditional love I was capable, and before becoming a mother, I only had a glance of this light I’ve now...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Apr 29, 2015
- 3 min
The Obstacle Course of April: Everyday Magic, Day 846
Oy vey! I spend a lot of time on my calendar, trying to ensure that I’m not putting myself out there too much at the expense of taking...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Mar 1, 2015
- 4 min
Teaching Writing for the Love of It: Everyday Magic, Day 841
Tom McAfee years before I met him Believe me, I wasn’t a good poet when I studied creative writing as an undergraduate. I don’t say this...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Feb 21, 2011
- 1 min
The Office Is Quiet & The World Is Calm: Everyday Magic, Day 216
Some of the students the didn't speak with today (but did obviously take their picture) This desk? It’s in room 202 of the Community...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Feb 20, 2011
- 1 min
After Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: Everyday Magic, Day 215
Residencies make their own magic, and I would even say their own reality except this reality is quite real: what happens here is a...