Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- May 21, 2013
- 2 min
After 19 Years Our Family Graduates From the Lawrence School System: Everyday Magic, Day 704
For us, it started with Daniel at New York School in a kindergarten class in which all the kids did Army boot camp style call and...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- May 24, 2011
- 2 min
Graduation Wrapped In Weather: Everyday Magic, Days 328-330
It's hard to say where I've been, and so it's hard to say where I'm going, but I know this: I've seen and am seeing some weather. My...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- May 20, 2011
- 1 min
The Rapture of Graduation: Everyday Magic, Day 326
There’s the rapture of the storm this morning as I lay under blanket with a sleeping cat on my chest, thunder and lightning, and the...