
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Dec 24, 20112 min read
A Very Tall Cloud, the Joplin Tornado, the Eventual Graduation and the Rebuilding of Everything: Eve
On May 21st, Daniel quasi-graduated from Bethel College, meaning he walked in cap and gown with the others but still had an incomplete to...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 24, 20112 min read
Graduation Wrapped In Weather: Everyday Magic, Days 328-330
It's hard to say where I've been, and so it's hard to say where I'm going, but I know this: I've seen and am seeing some weather. My...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 15, 20112 min read
Cleaning Up: Everyday Magic, Day 300
I have a secret that’s even surprises me: I love cleaning. You wouldn’t know it if you wandered through my house or rode in my car, but...