I'm in a dorm room in Vermont with the windows open. It's 62 degrees. Fellow Kansans as well as inhabitants of Death Valley (although Kansas is way hotter these days), please don't hate me. I was once, just a short time ago, one of you, sprawled out on my bed under a ceiling fan and dreaming of ice, snow, even hail.
In fact, last week, before I left, I actually took photos of how I was dealing with the 100 degree days, everyday, forever and ever. I found I could survive the how-can-I-get-through-the-massive-dog-days-of-this-summer summer by simple things, like holding a handful of ice, or flinging myself on the floor in a dark room. I also experimented with sticking my head in the freezer, which helped immensely until my brain froze over.
From where I sit now, I remind myself -- and maybe you too -- that cool heads and days will prevail. I'm previewing Kansas weather from late September or so, and I've got to say that we will love it, especially after a day like this one when the temperature tipped well over 110. Imagine needing a sweater. Imagine a chill in the air. Imagine relief and ease, change and wind, and all else that will come. In the meantime, I'm wishing all my friends at home enough ice, floor space and strong a.c. as well as that cold front that's expected to exceed all expectation.