Some days the ride spins faster, and the bottom drops out only to find yourself caught in the arms of an unsuspecting stranger……or something like that. Today was such as day.
First thing up was a bone density scan, to be followed with a right phone meeting about one of my book projects possibly deflating, a worry that had me on tenter hooks (which literally means a nail with an upward curve to hold wet clothes so it can dry). By the time the scan was done, I was pacing in the food co-op on the phone, finding, to my happy surprise, that the the book project was on relatively solid ground. With great relief, I bought more coffee, put in sugar and creamer this time, and had some breakfast.
After lunch with an old friend, we found — much to our thrilled astonishment — a wedding gown for her at the first place we seriously looked, Calamity Janes in downtown Lawrence or, as many of us call it, the Stevie Nicks clothing store. I happily marched in the heat and humidity to the local library for a phone meeting, only to get a call from the doctor’s office. I had “significant bone thinning.” WTF? I’m built like a pottery mug. How could this be? Hearing from a friend that she had a similar diagnosis, and it wasn’t a major deal relieved me.
Then Ken asked if there was any chance this could be related to my cancer 11 years ago. A little dangerous research on the internet later, plus adding in various other real or imagined symptoms, brought me into quick and wild trepidation. So I started calling doctors, and by the time the nurse of my primary doctor assured me that it was “only” osteoporosis, I let myself exhale. Repeatedly. A longer talk with my oncologist calmed me more (although we will look into it because that’s the way we roll).
Now Ken naps on the bed, Shay naps on the floor, and Sid the cat naps in the bathroom sink. I consider making dinner and wonder what ups and downs might continue to toss me to my chair or lift me off the ground.