Tomorrow I drive a van load of poets about 400 miles to Southwestern Kansas for more of the Begin Again: 150 Kansas Poems tour. I’m amazed that I can drive 400 miles in my state and still be there, specifically because I grew up in a little state (New Jersey) that would fit into Kansas along with all of New England, Florida and several truckloads of chocolate. I’m also amazed that our very big state was given a less-than-big-hearted state slogan several years ago: “Kansas: As Big As You Think.” Such a slogan begs the question, “What if you think small?” Here are Ken and my suggestions for a better state slogan:
Kansas: Bigger Than Bulgaria
Kansas: Smaller Than Texas But Still Big
Kansas: Better Than Missouri (at least Kansans think so)
Kansas: More Than Just A Rest Stop Between You and Colorado
Kansas: Nice People Who Vote Funny
Kansas: Where Weather Rules
Kansas: Even Dorothy Felt Compelled To Come Back
Kansas: Jayhawks and Wildcats and Guerillas, Oh My!
Kansas: Not Nearly As Big As Russia
Kansas: We Like Pie
Kansas: Where All Gas Stations Are Required to Offer Public Restrooms
Kansas: Almost a Rectangle
Kansas: Way Bigger Than a Breadbox
and our favorite:
Kansas: Size DOES Matter!
So what your nominees for a new Kansas slogan?