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Blue Sky

Where I’ve Been: Cheating On You With Another Blog: Everyday Magic, Day 533

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Please forgive me. I’ve been writing on another blog behind your back this week, but truly, this blog means nothing to me compared to you! I was just using it for the words, and besides, I brought those words home to share with you.

The blog I’m guest-editing this week is the wonderful She Writes, a fabulous resource for women who write with lots of resources, tips, inspiration, practical notions and magical imaginings for anyone (not just women) who writes.

Here’s what I’ve been writing behind your back:

  1. Armchair Book Tours: Getting Yourself Out There Without Leaving Home: A summary of some ideas you can try, obviously, at home: skyping and phoning into bookclubs, a facebook page to promote your book, a blog tour, and videos you can post on the web.

  2. When To Tour On Your Own Dime (And When To Stay Home With A Good Book) :When to hit the road with your book, when to stay put, and strategies for telling the difference.

  3. Opening Up Your Life: Fictionalizing Real Life: Approaches and thoughts about how writing fiction can sometimes bring you closer to the emotional resonance of a real life experience, plus tips for things you can again try at home.

  4. Opening Up Your Poetry: Five Approaches to Revision: Here’s five things you can also try at home to bring your poetry alive.

  5. Petals & Wings: Opening Up Your Writing and Getting Yourself Out There: If you write, this about sums it up, but it’s also the introduction to other features I’ll be writing this week.

I’m also happy to feature Kansas writer Cheryl Unruh’s post, “The Journey,” a lively and moving account of how she went from a dream of a book to a book come true.

So come visit me at the lovely little b & b of, and I promise to return home to you come the weekend, refreshed and ready to talk about something other than the writing life (such as the life worth writing about).

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