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Blue Sky

Through the Looking Glass of Goddard: Everyday Magic, Day 607

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

The air is warm and damp (mid-80s and humid) as opposed to dry and hot (like the 109 predicted for Kansas today). The rain comes often. The wind blows lightly. The nights cool to a glistening dark blue sky.

My work here is big at times, all-encompassing with days that start early and end late, and yet there are pockets of beauty, calm and surprise. Today, for example, after a 90-minute advising group meeting in the round room with the round table, I met with some students, worked on some evaluations of student progress reviews, did some email catch-up, and then slipped off to the near-

Once back on campus, sat in a half-circle of students, friends and family to watch on of my students present her astonishing and powerful work on helping students connect with the natural world. Against the backdrop of tall trees, I watched the wind twirl an errant fern and the light dapple the leaves and all of us.

I’ll cross back through the mirror to my other home in less than a week, but for now, I’m at home in this wonder.

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