Even massive tornadoes can move in delicate ways. Our aunt and uncle’s garage was destroyed, but a china cabinet that shared a wall with the garage survived intact with all the china in pristine condition. The deep freeze in the garage made it through also
Thanks to good insurance, their children (and our cousins), and help from friends and family, including my sister-in-law who lives close by, our aunt and uncle are okay. They’re looking for an apartment, staying with family, and all their surviving furniture, clothes, photos and other stuff is in a storage unit.
Meanwhile, my sister-in-law and nieces found a tiny kitten who lost her mom to the tornado. This little one has relocated to Springfield, where she found acceptance by a neighbor mama cat who is nursing her. Some of my niece's friends suggest naming the kitty Twister, but I'm thinking a name like Joplin might be best: the name of a town suffering tremendously but, against the odds of the last week, surviving.