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Blue Sky

If You Can't Stand the Heat But Won't Leave the Kitchen: Everyday Magic, Day 397

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

The kitchen in this case is Kansas, and although I won’t leave, I kind of can’t stand the heat anymore. After a few days in the high 80s, I lost my resistance, or maybe after many weeks in the high 90s/100s, I just lost my mind. Need I add that it’s 100 degrees (as usual) and will be the same tomorrow.

So what to do? I try work, but the heat distracts me. Ice bars help as does ice water. Movies? Done that. Shopping in highly air-conditioned places? Done that also. Lying on the cool floor? The animals have taken up much of that space. In fact, just about all the usual heat distractions have been implemented so often this summer that I’m reduced to simply sitting in front of the not-so-good air-conditioner with the not-so-good overhead fan.

Meanwhile there’s just the breath by breath consciousness of this weather to endure, observe and stop judging. Meanwhile the impending cooler weather is well over three days away, too far to pin much hope to when time bakes the earth right now. So it’s back to the drawing board and out of the sun. The one place I won’t go, however, is the kitchen except to open the freezer and stick my head in occasionally.

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